Title: Director.

Company: Africab Group of Companies.

Sector: Construction, Pharmaceutical, Hospital Industries, Infrastructure, Electrical, Real-Estate


Mobile No: 255658300233


Personal Profile: As an innovative and visionary leader with over 26 years of experience, I’ve played a pivotal role in transforming our family owned enterprise. Notably, I was instrumental in steering the evolution of AFRiCAB Group from a trading shop to a lean, industrially-focused organization. In my capacity as Executive Chairman, I remain deeply committed to fostering innovation, strategic planning, and cultivating a culture of excellence, all pivotal in this transition towards manufacturing and industrialization.

Company Profile: Africab Group’s diverse portfolio extends beyond the manufacturing of electrical cables and transformers, encompassing ventures in construction, real estate, mining, logistics, agriculture, and FMCG. While our legacy thrives in the electrical domain, our expansion into these industries signifies our dynamic growth. Headquartered in Tanzania, our footprint extends to Zanzibar, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Our vision reaches beyond Africa as we strive for further global expansion, leveraging our success and expertise to establish a presence on an international scale.